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Workers Memorial Day Honors Lives Lost on the Job

Heather Wolford Cumberland Times-News
Every day 150 workers die from a workplace fatality or a fatal illness or injury they contracted on the job. If that was a disease or if that was one attack, people would demand action. Instead, it is ignored.

Harvard Will Bargain With Grad Union

Harvard will collectively bargain with its newly formed graduate student union, University President Drew G. Faust said in an interview Tuesday.

Arizona Teachers Stage Strike!

Jonah Furman Labor Notes
Two weeks before the vote, organizers had recorded 110,000 people participating in walk-ins in 1,100 schools. A petition supporting AEU’s five demands garnered another 35,000 signatures. In the end, 57,000 teachers and support staff cast votes on the walkout, with 78 percent in favor.

“They Have Forgotten the Lessons of Rana Plaza”

Tula Connell Solidarity Center/AFL-CIO
Five years ago, he multistory Rana Plaza building, which housed garment factories outside Dhaka in Bangladesh, pancaked from structural defects that had been identified the day before. 1,134 garment workers were killed and thousands more injured in Bangladesh.

Columbia University Graduate Students Go on Strike

Jim Daley The Scientist
Teaching assistants from the Graduate Workers of Columbia University–United Auto Workers (GWC-UAW Local 2110) went on strike Tuesday (April 24). Union members began picketing after a 10 AM deadline the union set for the university to agree to enter into bargaining talks

Public Servants Are Losing Their Foothold in the Middle Class

Patricia Cohen and Robert Gebeloff New York Times
For generations of Americans, working for a state or local government — as a teacher, firefighter, bus driver or nurse — provided a comfortable nook in the middle class. But they are now finding themselves financially downgraded.

Grab and Gojek Drivers in Indonesia Push to Unionize

Diatyka Widya Permata Yasih and Andi Rahman Alamsyah TheNewsLens
Motorcycle taxi drivers in Indonesia are protesting for better wages and working conditions, and calling on the government to regulate the app-based ride industry. This activity is encouraging but these gig economy workers face many challenges in trying to build a sustainable union.