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Crisis in the Canadian Labour Movement

John Cartwright The Bullet
The recent split in the Canadian Labour Congress over organizational issues will inhibit the search to renew trade unions. A vision of a powerful, effective, inclusive union movement of the future needs to be developed. If leaders let personal grievances or institutional rivalry dominate the discussion, we will fail, and it may take years to heal the damage.

Justice on the Job for Nail Salon Workers

Kressent Pottenger, Narbada Chhetri and Pabitra Dash New Labor Forum
New Labor Forum’s “Working-Class Voices” columnist Kressent Pottenger interviewed Narbada Chhetri, former nail salon worker and director of Organizing and Advocacy at Adhikaar (a social justice organization based in New York City with approximately eight hundred members serving the Nepalese and Tibetan community), and Pabitra Dash, nail salon worker and organizer at Adhikaar, about the poor working conditions of nail salon workers in the United States. Highlights of the interview follow.

Bishops Back Unions in U.S. Supreme Court Case that Could Cripple Public Employee Unions

Mark Pattison Catholic New Service/Crux
“The Catholic bishops of the United States have long and consistently supported the right of workers to organize for purposes of collective bargaining,” a U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops says.brief says. “Because this right is substantially weakened by so-called ‘right-to-work’ laws, many bishops - in their dioceses, through their state conferences, and through their national conference - have opposed or cast doubt on such laws, and no U.S. bishop has expressed support for them.”

Union Membership Gains: Three Analyses

Neal Tepel, John Schmitt and Chris Hubbuch
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its annual report on union membership on January 19th, 2018. There were several spots of bright news for unions.

The Evolution of Neoliberalism in Tunisia 1980-2017

Edna Bonhomme New Socialist
While the Arab uprisings of 2011 have been in a lull, the tentacles of capitalism continue to mutate in Tunisia. The Arab Spring was a mass movement to topple a dictator but it was strengthened by the self-activity of labour. Not only did they directly challenge capital but they helped to convert the decades of lethargy and state domination of the UGTT into a more active union.

Thanks - Portside Labor readers

Portside extends its heartfelt thanks to our readers - who so generously responded to our annual fund appeal. Thanks to your support, Portside continues to share progressive news and actions that keep you informed and motivated. Last night we heard the message of this racist in chief - sloganeering, bellicosity and fear-mongering. Portside is one of those places that offers an alternative - reporting, analysis and advocacy based in reality.

Trump's State of the Union Not Reality for Most Americans

Kenneth Quinnell AFL-CIO
Last night, President Donald Trump gave his first State of the Union address. Working people were quick to point out that most of us don't live in the reality described in the president's speech and when it comes to the issues we care about, actions speak louder than words.