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How Starbucks Workers Won in Mesa

Saurav Sarkar Labor Notes
Starbucks Workers United (SWU) won its third store election February 28 in Mesa, Arizona. The vote was an overwhelming 25-3.

“Bad Ideas” Aren’t Keeping Workers From Fighting Back

An interview with Vivek Chibber Jacobin
Critics often say the working class doesn't fight back against exploitation because it's confused about its real interests. But this ignores how capitalism itself leads workers to resign themselves to their situation — and how we can overcome that

“Lunch Ladies” Are Tired of Being Underpaid and Overlooked

Nora De La COur Jacobin
Cafeteria staff make learning and healthy development possible by providing balanced meals to kids who otherwise might not get them. In return, they bring home some of the lowest earnings of the generally underpaid K–12 workforce.