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FX’s Taboo Is More Fun to Think About Than to Watch

Matt Zoller Seitz Vulture
Taboo is about the return of the repressed, but also the suppressed, with the protagonist serving as a vessel for social commentary about the species-wide violence and corruption wrought by imperialism, racism, and capitalism.

GREED, Exercising Noblesse Oblige

Rebecca Foust Paradise Drive
Tongue-in-cheek, Marin poet Rebecca Foust offers a sonnet about the seven deadly sins, and rich people who have their trickle-down rationalizations.

Politics, Aesthetics and the War Against "Perfectionist Ideology" in Orwell in Orwell

David Trotter London Review of Books
Much Orwell criticism centers on his politics, not surprising given how it was his predominant subject. The books under review take a slight detour, viewing his work as he frequently judged others. Orwell's writing is chockablock with sensuous material, such as how class discriminations determine not just life chances but personal hygiene, or how bathos in an otherwise serious tract humanizes the literature and guards against "perfect" politics.

Roxane Gay’s Masterpieces of Private Rage

Rafia Zakaria The New Republic
Rafia Zakaria shows us how Roxane Gay, in this new collection of short stories, explores interconnections between racism, work, love, violence, and sex.

Is meat manly? How society pressures us to make gendered food choices.

Christy Brissette Washington Post
Gendered beliefs about food choices affect men and women’s health habits, including the types of foods they actually eat. Socially influenced eating patterns could in part help explain why men are at a higher risk of heart disease and some cancers. Are our ideas about masculinity and femininity negatively affecting our health?

Whatever We Really Want

David Moolten Spillway 24
For Valentine's Day, Philadelphia poet David Moolten's poem--for better or worse--says it all.

Frederick Douglass's `Amazing Job' Started With His First Book

Ron Charles Washington Post
Forget that Donald Trump said something commendable about Frederick Douglass--perhaps a first for Trump--the autobiography of Douglass is a classic, and reading it again is a fit way to commemorate Black History Month. Washington Post book editor Ron Charles gives ample reason why.

Six Centuries of Secularism

William Eamon Aeon
The road to secularism began with how-to books, claims William Eamon, who takes us on a tour of how this happened. Among the most famous how-to books is the first modern political instruction manual.