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No Regrets

W.D. Ehrhart
The poet W.D. Ehrhart, veteran of both the Marines and Vietnam Veterans Against the War asks seriously, how can people like Henry Kissinger claim a lifetime of “no regrets”?

Sex and the State

Sex and the State Dissent
Paisley Currah’s Sex Is as Sex Does raises questions about efforts to achieve equal recognition under laws that sanction repression and inequality.

What These Imitation Foods Are Actually Made Of

Brian Boone The Daily Meal
In order to get as many people as possible to buy their products, food companies often employ labeling which is misleading. A high number of commonly purchased items are actually other, less attractive, cheaper, or lab-created foods in disguise.

Global Experts

A Fisher
Schools may be in trouble, assesses Vermont poet Ann Fisher, but not the fault of students who create their own “precipitation” despite “all the measured wisdom/ we’ve provided.”

Books Bob Dylan’s the Philosophy of Modern Song

Raymond Foye The Brooklyn Rail
Dylan, writes reviewer Foye of this new coffee table-size book, "is sweeping out the ashes from the cave of a long career. He is casting a light on the Jungian shadows of popular song, examining both mechanics and metaphysics."

Law of Tehran Review – Gritty Iranian Crime Thriller Takes No Prisoners

Mark Kermode The Guardian
Iranian American screen polymath Payman Maadi (who made such an impact in films such as Asghar Farhadi’s A Separation) is Samad, a cop waging an apparently unwinnable war on drugs in the Iranian capital. Having rounded up a vast community of addicts living and dying within a hellscape of giant concrete pipes, Samad and his deputy, Hamid (Houman Kiai), treat their captives like cattle, stripping and humiliating them, herding them from one overcrowded prison space to the next.

Alon Shaya Is Cooking for Connection

Laine Doss Broken Palate
Alon Shaya believes food can help people connect; sharing a meal is a powerful tool against the rising hate against Jewish people and everyone else. “Through cooking, you can share these stories with the goal of stopping prejudice and ending hate."