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The Missing Malcolm X

Garrett Felber Boston Review
Our understanding of Malcolm X is inextricably linked to his autobiography, but newly discovered materials force us to reexamine his legacy.

The War Before the War

David Holahan The Christian Science Monitor
The role of the enslaved in the political crisis that led to the Civil War is not as well known as it should be, but this volume adds to our knowledge on this topic.

‘Roma’ Review: Alfonso Cuaron Makes His Masterpiece

Peter Travers The Rolling Stone
Oscar-winner, Alfonso Cuaron, goes into the past and pays tribute to the women who helped raise him. Cuarón has done more than break through walls of language, culture and class to craft the best movie of the year.

In U.S. Media, Israel Is Untouchable

Gideon Levy Haaretz
You can attack the Palestinians in America uninterrupted, call to expel them and deny their existence. Just don’t dare say a bad word about Israel, the holy of holies.

Contempt of Court

Anita Pulier Cultural Weekly
We speak often in generalities of social justice, but California poet (and ex-lawyer) Anita Pulier gets down to the nitty-gritty in this small courtroom drama.

The Capital's Great National Circus

Eric Foner London Review of Books
Think today's lack of congressional comity is bizarre? It's nothing (or not yet something) compared to the physical violence prevalent on the floor of the House and Senate in the period leading up to the Civil War.


L. Ali Khan New York Journal of Books
A new collection by the director of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and poetry editor of The New Yorker consists of poems that, says this reviewer, "fit the bill of quantum poetry."