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City Lights

Peter Neil Carroll Marin Poetry Center Anthology XXI 2018
In multicultural San Francisco, poet Peter Neil Carroll captures the local support for refugee rights.

Missing the Dark Satanic Mills

Deborah Cohen New York Review of Books
After three centuries, giant factories remain sites not only of production for use but of exploitation, class warfare and environmental degradation. The book author writes of how the factory still effects our dreams and nightmares.

The G.O.P. is Destroying Wisconsin -- and We Should All Be Worried

Jim Swearingen The National Book Review
Wisconsin is one of several states with proud progressive, working class histories that are now the focus of the Republican Party's experiments in deeply conservative government. This book recounts the legacy of that experiment.

How to Raise Crickets for Food

Brian Barth Modern Farmer
If you don’t want to eat crickets, any chickens, ducks, turkeys, or pigs in your life will happily chow down
Crickets and other insects are a vastly more sustainable form of protein than livestock as well as an ideal protein source for urban homesteaders.

Murphy Brown Is Back and Ready to Take On Donald Trump

Jen Chaney Vulture
Unlike the most recent Roseanne, which was a largely political series that frequently tried to bill itself as something other than that, Murphy Brown declares its intentions to challenge the current Republican Establishment.

Eternal Recurrence

Deborah Landau American Poetry Review
“what’s so neo/about neo-nazis,” asks the poet Deborah Landau. And maybe it’s time to do something!

Distant Early Warning of Worse to Come

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
Masterpiece or not, William S. Burroughs' "The Revised Boy Scout Manual": An Electronic Revolution fills a puzzling lacuna in the Beat author's bibliography, and offers an foretaste of the viperous Age of Trump.