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‘Las Sandinistas!’: A Revolution Remembered

Mark Read The Indypendent
Las Sandinistas, a new feature-length documentary film that examines the Nicaraguan revolution of the 1980’s, arrives in theaters at a critical political juncture in which crises in Central America are once again center stage.

Still Time - Giving Tuesday - Portside Annual Appeal

Portside moderators Portside
We can move our country forward. The Resistance and the recent elections are dramatic evidence that something fundamental is happening. Portside will continue to do our part. Once a year we ask our readers to help. Now is that time.

Your National Anthem

Clint Smith Harvard Kennedy School Journal of African American Public Policy
The poet Clint Smith draws a haunting link between Kaepernick the football player and his own son sitting in a grocery cart.

Why Reds Were Better in Bed

Ann Schneider The Indypendent
A counterintuitive if rigorous argument that the sex lives of men and women under the Soviets were better than those in the capitalist West, based on the system's ability to deliver the sort of social benefits unavailable even in Scandinavia.

Asking Our Readers for Help - We Need Your Support

Portside moderators Portside Moderators
We can move our country forward by moving it to the left. The Resistance and the gains in the recent elections are dramatic evidence that something fundamental is happening. Portside will continue to do our part. We ask for your help once a year.


Bill Bowring Marx & Philosophy Review of Books
A new introduction to Karl Marx and his legacy.

The Queer Coming-of-Age Movie Arrives

Spencer Kornhaber The Atlantic
For some kids rule-breaking is less a route toward self-definition than a requirement built into existence. That’s the reality recognized by a recent crop of films centered on the queer teen, a figure who until now has been cinematically marginal.

Is Peanut Butter Good for You?

Sophia Gottfried Time Health
Peanut butter, despite its high fat content, is a nutritional treasure, full of protein, fiber, minerals and vitamins.