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Wendy Drexler Before There Was Before
Poet Wendy Drexler picks a single marking on a tunnel wall to celebrate the value a single aspect of someone’s labor.

Making Their Own History

Ingo Schmidt Solidarity
Historians of the bourgeois persuasion tend to focus on the doings of major figures in history. Less emphasis is placed by them on the role of working people, often nameless and ill-remembered. Edward Thompson's The Making of the English Working Class was a methodological breakthrough in showing how a working class made itself. The book under review follows that precedent, charting how ordinary Europeans from the Middle Ages to post-Soviet Europe made their own history.

The Origins of Collective Decision Making

Geoffrey Kurtz Logos: A Journal of Modern Society and Culture
It may surprise some to know that the origins of the kind of deliberative, representative, majority-rule democracy that characterizes modern legislatures in societies governed by representative democracy is actually a working class invention. Yet that is the claim, says Geoffrey Kurtz, that Andy Blunden is making in this study about how collective decisions are made.

"Care in Chaos": New Documentary Uncovers Rising Tide of Attacks on Abortion Clinics Under Trump

Amy Goodman Democracy Now!
A new documentary by Rewire chronicles the rising tide of harassment and violence against abortion providers and clinics under the Trump administration. Called "Care in Chaos," it features Calla Hales, director of A Preferred Women’s Health Center, one of the busiest abortion clinics in North Carolina. She faces a gauntlet of harassment, threats and physical violence just to do her job.

It Is A Truth Universally Acknowledged That Jane Austen Pairs Well With Tea

Nina Martyris NPR
'Jane Austen and tea' is after all, a comely capitalist hustle that has spawned a cottage industry of crockery, tea towels, tea bags, tea rooms and boutique brews. What we get from Austen's novels is the role of this extremely popular national beverage in upper class Regency society. Austen lived at a time when tea, which had become popular in England in the late 1600s, was drunk by everyone, from the elite to the working classes.

A Dream of Quitting Time

David Salner Beloit Poetry Journal
For the Labor Day holiday, David Salner offers a poet’s glimpse of what it feels like not to be working while working a long shift at night.

With Kafka, The Ending is at the Beginning

John Banville New York Review of Books
Kafka's life was itself Kafkaesque, and if you want to know its span and its ending better- the book's author contends and the reviewer agrees - readers need to start at the beginning. The book under review is the third of a three-volume biography that critics widely call definitive.

Klan 2.0

Scott McLemee Inside Higher Ed
This new book reminds us of the scope and power of the second incarnation of the Ku Klux Klan, beginning a century ago. As reviewer Scott McLemee points out, however, to only point out the Klan's racist heritage can be deceptively simplistic. McLemee reminds us that what made the Klan a mass force in the 1920s was that the movement's reactionary politics and racist passions "were widespread enough to count as mainstream.'