In a fresh challenge to Russia and China, delivered in October 2018, Trump extolled, “Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all. We have more money than anybody else, by far.”
Greg Tate explores the shifting struggles for black equality – and identity – presented in the Swedish television archives (filmed from 1967 - 1975) originally released as a film in 2011 and currently streaming on Amazon Prime and YouTube.
We need to move beyond rhetoric and start to evolve into a movement for racial justice in practice, but what does that mean? Be proactive in addressing racial tensions, stop tokenizing members, and build a union to address everyday issues.
Americans are getting a small taste of the fire and fury that the U.S. military...inflict on people overseas on a regular basis from Iraq and Afghanistan to Yemen and Palestine, and the intimidation felt by the people of Iran, Venezuela...
Plantation owners were determined to extract every last bit of labor they could get from enslaved workers, meticulously tracking, documenting, and analyzing their every move in order to maximize productivity and profit.
An earlier generation of civil rights struggle saw things differently. They, and their opponents, understood that black equality required a fundamental transformation of American society.
As a culinary historian, Lavada Nahon is working to bring the state’s African American history to light. “There’s a lot of under-told stories in Black history,” Nahon says.
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