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Whose Liberalism? Critiquing The Economist

Ben Jackson Boston Review
With its elite decision-makers and opinion-formers—and over 1.5 million copies sold per week—The Economist has exerted tremendous influence on popular liberal discourse for more than a century. The book author finds its reputation undeserved.

The Fascinating History and Politics of Jewish Life in Iran

Ariel Gold Independent Media Institute
The first thing we noticed was the lack of security at synagogues. The door was unlocked, and we walked right in. The lack of security, we learned, was because synagogues in Iran are safe places.

A Single Father Dreams of a Bernie Victory

Nicholas Powers The Indypendent
So what if Bernie won? What would that mean? I would feel seen as a worker. I need that. We work and work and work and are too tired to see the future. We need better.

For the Workers, a World to Win

Pavan Kulkarni Peoples Dispatch
The year 2019 saw labor actions take place at a historic scale as workers not only fought for better working conditions and wages but for a better future for their countries and the entire world.

The Uninhabitable Earth

Dook Snyder The Berkshire Edge
“It is worse, much worse, than you think," writes the author of this study. "The slowness of climate change is a fairy tale, perhaps as pernicious as the one that says it isn’t happening at all.”

Global Left Midweek - Last Year, Next Year

Women Led the Fight in 2019 + Iraq Protesters Unite Against US Aggression + France + Cuba in Transition + UK Labour + CPIM Leader on India's Crisis + Workers' Party of Belgium + Hong Kong: A Deeper Look + Year in Review