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What Is Joe Biden’s Israel Policy, Exactly?

Phyllis Bennis Foreign Policy in Forcus
The Biden administration thought it could muddle through with the usual pro-Israel platitudes, but rising awareness of Israeli apartheid is making that impossible.


H Patricia Hynes Portside
“Hope…is not the same as joy that things are going well…or…headed for early success, but rather an ability to work for something because it is good...”

Behind the Virtuous Façade

Mateo Crossa and James M. Cypher Dollars and Sense
On July 1, 2020, NAFTA was replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The new labor provisions require Mexico to restructure its labor relations system with US oversight. Mexican workers will most likely continue to suffer.

The Lesbian Bar Project

Anna Hezel TasteCooking
Socioeconomic divisions meant that a lot of women couldn’t afford to go out, or they had children and didn’t have the time to. So how they gathered was through food, and through community. Filmmakers Street and Rose explore the idea of queer food.

On Police Reform, the AFL-CIO Has a Lot of Catching Up to Do

Alex N. Press Jacobin
The AFL-CIO’s new report on police reform doesn’t come anywhere close to what’s needed. Written largely from the perspective of police officers, it rejects calls to defund the police, embracing the failed approach of trying to weed out bad apples.