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100+ Groups Condemn Israeli Violence in East Jerusalem and Gaza

Brett Wilkins Common Dreams
A statement signed by 124 groups says the current conflagration is part of a "broader context of Israel's ongoing policy to forcibly remove Palestinians from their homes through eviction, home demolition, and displacement."

The Underground Railroad | Series Trailer

“Nothing was given, all was earned. Hold on to what belongs to you.” From Academy Award® winner Barry Jenkins, based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Colson Whitehead. Premiers May 14.

Line Rider Race - Who Will Survive?

I've synchronized the William Tell Overture (by Rossini) to 8 Line Riders racing down the track for victory. All lines were drawn by hand.

Friday Nite Videos | May 14, 2021

Jordan Klepper - Arizona's Shady Recount. Line Rider Race - Who Will Survive? Colette: The French Resistance Fighter Confronting Fascism. Rashida Tlaib Delivers Powerful Speech About Palestine. The Underground Railroad | Series Trailer.