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The One-State Solution

Daphna Thier, Sumaya Awad Jacobin
Israel has effectively made the establishment of a separate Palestinian state impossible. It’s clear what’s needed now: a single, democratic state with full rights for all people.

Can the Decline of Unions Be Reversed?

Arthur MacEwan Dollars&Sense
The decline of unions and the difficulties that unions face in 2021 are not simply a result of some sort of inexorable forces, which is often how globalization and technological change are presented.

It Only Takes a Few People to Change Your State’s Congressional Seats

Denise Lu, Illustrations by Rose Wong New York Times
Every 10 years, a state’s population determines how many seats it gets in Congress. A small number of people can make a big difference. Here’s a look at just how many people it can take to change, or almost change, representation in Congress.