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The Great Gap in Vaccinations

The global vaccination drive is happening at two speeds: Richer countries have plenty of funding and plentiful vaccine-doses. Poorer countries have neither.

How an Abstinence Pledge Shamed a Generation

A Christian “purity” movement in the 90s promoted a biblical view of abstinence before marriage. But two decades later, followers are grappling with unforeseen aftershocks.

Why Is America's Justice System So Unfair?

Ari Melber traces the origins of injustice in America's justice system by explaining everything from the racist Jim Crow framework to the bipartisan 1994 crime bill.

Friday Nite Videos | April 23, 2021

Why Is America's Justice System So Unfair? Martín Espada | "The Year I Was Diagnosed with a Sacrilegious Heart". How Human-Robot Sex May Become Real. How an Abstinence Pledge Shamed a Generation. The Great Gap in Vaccinations.

What White Supremacy Is and Isn’t: A Reading List

Rosie Gillies The Boston Review
White supremacy , a founding U.S. principle, remains prevalent today. This reading list was compiled shortly after the January 6 D.C. white insurrection and attempted seizure of the capital building. Follow the links for full reviews of each book.

Mineworkers Union Supports Biden's Green Energy Plan

Brian Young UCOMM Blog
I’m for any jobs we can create that would be good-paying jobs for our brothers and sisters who have lost them in the UMWA. As we confront a next wave of energy transition, we must take steps to ensure that things do not get worse for coal miners.