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Biko | Peter Gabriel

“You can blow out a candle, but you can't blow out a fire.” Featuring Yo-Yo Ma, the Cape Town Ensemble, the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe, Taiko Project, Dynamic Music Collective and Silkroad.

Friday Nite Videos | April 9, 2021

The National Debt | John Oliver. Biko | Peter Gabriel. Jordan Klepper Debunks “Good Guy With a Gun”. Fighting for Equality in Computer Science and Beyond. Why So Many QAnon Believers Are Evangelical Christians.

Tangled Up in Blue: Lessons for Police Reform?

Steve Early CounterPunch
Law professor and scion of a widely read radical activist/author family, Rosa Brooks went beyond the blue wall of silence in her inside view of American policing.  Among the retrograde lessons stressed in training, “Anyone can kill you at any time.”

The Filibuster Threatens Both Civil Rights and Workers’ Rights

Craig Becker ACS Expert Forum
The For the People Act and the Protecting the Right to Organize Act are essential to ensuring working people are heard in legislative chambers and corporate boardrooms. The fate of these bills hinges on an anti-democratic Senate rule: the filibuster.

Tidbits - Apr. 8, 2021 - Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; Zoom events;

Reader Comments: Policing, George Floyd murder; Amazon workers; Refugees, Displacement Crisis; Puerto Rico; Nazi Germany; China; Elizabeth Davis - Presente!; Labor resources; Constructing a New Social Compact; lots of Zoom events;

Bessemer - A Big Step Forward

Frank Emspak Portside
A victory at Bessemer would be great. But even without that workers at Amazon, Walmart, and Microsoft will continue to organize. Why? Because management can never represent the interests of the workforce.