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Can Cyrus Vance, Jr., Nail Trump?

Jane Mayer The New Yorker
The contest between Vance and Trump is about much more than a financial investigation. It’s a stress test of the American justice system.

Joe Biden Will Not Save the Labor Movement

Joe Burns Jacobin
Talk of Joe Biden as a transformational president is getting ahead of itself. Historically, labor law reform has triggered some of the fiercest battles from business — and Joe Biden has shown no evidence he’ll go to the mat for the PRO Act...

Sudan: the Second Wave of Revolt

Sara Abbas Red Pepper
The Sudanese revolution has been unique in its depth and scope. Yet the path to progress remains fraught with obstacles. Uprisings everywhere are vulnerable to defeat as long as there is a continued absence of concrete, cross-border solidarity.

Cuba’s Contributions in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic

Franklin Frederick Socialist Project: The Bullet
While many public health experts attribute the lack of healthcare in Latin America to lack of resources, the Cuban Revolution shows that when resources are distributed equitably, health outcomes previously unimaginable are possible.

Democrats Unveil 'Build Green' Infrastructure and Jobs Act

Kenny Stancil Common Dreams
Sen. Ed Markey called the bill "our opportunity to invest in a clean energy revolution across our country, transform our transportation sector to be climate-smart, and create millions of good-paying union jobs at the same time."

The 1970 Postal Workers Strike

Patrick Murfin Heretic, Rebel, a Thing to Flout
When Rank and File Postal Workers Whipped Bosses, Union Leaders, and Richard Nixon