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Right to Work Defeated in Montana and Colorado

Brian Young ucommblog
In Montana, union members from around the state came to the Capitol to pressure lawmakers into voting against the bill. However, a Right to Work bill continues forward in New Hampshire

The Rise of the Private Police

Amelia Pollard The American Prospect
In South Africa, private security companies have eclipsed the police force, threatening the state’s democratic authority and replicating apartheid-era racial inequality. Is the U.S. next?

Nomads in Search of a Villain

Paris Marx Jacobin
The new film Nomadland is a heartfelt look at the lives of itinerant Americans cast aside by the Great Recession. But it ignores how employers like Amazon are raking in profits off this new class of worker.

Biden’s Support for Unionizing Amazon Is a BFD

Timothy Noah The New Republic
“This is new, nothing like it before,” observed the labor historian Nelson Lichtenstein. “Politicians always give great speeches at union conventions and avoid union organizing campaigns because of possibility of failure. But Biden broke this norm."