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A New Civil Rights Movement, a New Journal

Geoffrey Jacques jstor
Freedomways, the African American journal of politics and culture chronicled the civil rights and Black freedom movements starting in the early 1960s.

Friday Nite Videos | February 19, 2021

Tucker Carlson Plays Jeopardy With Himself. Max Roach and Abbey Lincoln | Driva Man. The Next Pandemic. The Ugly Truth Behind the Will Ferrell G.M. Super Bowl Commercial. Vaccine Side Effects Are Actually a Good Thing.

Cedric Robinson and the Origins of Race

Minkah Makalami Boston Review
As more of Robinson’s books come back into print, the reviewer argues that reading them with his seminal work Black Marxism can enrich our understanding of racial capitalism and offer additional tools for fighting our present political impasse.

Commemoration of the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising

Frank Emspak Portside
Wisconsin working people are at a cross roads. If we are to regain workplace rights we will have to show the employer how valuable we are. In the absence of that, even with effective political mobilization, the balance of forces will not change.

Tidbits - Feb. 18, 2021 - Reader Comments: No One is Above the Law; Climate Briefing; Fast Food Workers; Affordable Housing; John Sweeney; Black Panther Party; Jazz and Race; Rosa Luxemburg symposium; Working-Class New York Revisited; more...

Reader Comments: No One is Above the Law; Climate Briefing; Fast Food Workers; Affordable Housing - New York's Coops; John Sweeney; Black Panther Party; Jazz and Race; International symposium - Rosa Luxemburg; Working-Class New York Revisited; more.

Biden’s Civilian Climate Corps Comes Straight Out of the New Deal

Kate Yoder Grist
The Green New Deal is all about a jobs and justice approach to climate policies, so I think that the new climate corps proposal really encapsulates that. One of the most popular programs from the New Deal is making a comeback, nearly 90 years later.