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Thanks - Portside Culture readers

Portside extends its heartfelt thanks to our readers - who so generously responded to our annual fund appeal. Thanks to your support, Portside continues to share progressive news and actions that keep you informed and motivated. Last night we heard the message of this racist in chief - sloganeering, bellicosity and fear-mongering. Portside is one of those places that offers an alternative - reporting, analysis and advocacy based in reality.

How Democracies Die and How They Live

Jeffrey C. Isaac Public Seminar
This book has prompted a wide-ranging and rich discussion about the state of liberal democracy today, especially in the United States. Here, reviewer Issac uses the book to inquire into a wide range of topics regarding how we might think about democratic norms and procedures in the current period.

Trump's State of the Union Not Reality for Most Americans

Kenneth Quinnell AFL-CIO
Last night, President Donald Trump gave his first State of the Union address. Working people were quick to point out that most of us don't live in the reality described in the president's speech and when it comes to the issues we care about, actions speak louder than words.

"In the Fade": Lone Wolf Antifa in New Anti-Neo-Nazi German Film

Ed Rampell Hollywood Progressive
Diane Kruger is superb portraying a tortured character with her own “Subterranean Homesick Blues” who is “thinking about the government.” Kruger won the Best Actress Award at 2017’s Cannes Film Festival for her depiction of the anguished Katja who decides to take direct action against the neo-nazi assassins of her husband and child.

Dispatches From the Wars

Counting up; White hiphop: Vanilla or strychnine?; New monsters under our beds; Living with mass murder; Unsecret storm; Do Not Resist? In Chicago

Exceptional Victims

Christian G. Appy Boston Review
The resistance to the Vietnam War was the most diverse and dynamic antiwar movement in U.S. history. Our genuflection to military service goes hand in hand with our failure to treat antiwar protestors as the real heroes of U.S. democracy.