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From Palestine to Honduras, Every Day is Land Day

Budour Youssef Hassan Electronic Intifada
For Palestinians, Honduras and Guatemala might seem too distant, too irrelevant for our struggle. And while there are some apparent stark differences in our lived realities and in the faces of our oppressors, there are commonalities as well. In Palestine as well as in many parts of Central and Latin America, the oppression is directly sponsored by US military and financial aid. And in all these places our collective survival rests upon defending and preserving our land.


Bianca Bosker The Atlantic
At a time when much of the culinary world believes in farming like pioneer settlers and looking its meat in the eyes, This wants us to abandon peas and carrots (“Middle Ages!”) for their constituent parts—glucose, sucrose, cellulose, amino acids, and more.

Human Need, Not Corporate Greed! Poster of the Week

Center for the Study of Political Graphics Center for the Study of Political Graphics
CSPG's Poster of the Week calls attention to the same issues that energized the ongoing Democracy Spring protests in Washington, DC--the loss of democracy in an age of big money corporate politics.

Toward a 21st-Century Labor Movement

David Rolf The American Prospect
The old model of collective bargaining can’t be resurrected. Herewith, some new models of how workers can win and wield power.

Bernie Sanders, Union-Buster

More than a dozen local labor organizations have endorsed the Vermont senator, even though their national leaders have picked Hillary Clinton.

Trillion Dollar Trainwreck

Alliance for Nuclear Accountability Alliance for Nuclear Accountability
Out-of-control U.S. nuclear weapons programs accelerate spending, proliferation, health and safety risks. Despite a clear obligation under Article VI of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty the US continues to pursue exotic elective changes to the nuclear stockpile. Many LEPs will result in nuclear weapons with new military capabilities—contrary to promises and assertions made by President Obama.