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Caring in the City

Johanna Brenner Jacobin - Issue 15-16
Ending the exploitation of urban care workers requires radically democratic alternatives that go beyond the rhetoric of "work-life balance."

Van Sciver's "Saint Cole" Explores The New American Working Class

For "Saint Cole," his second book-length effort, Noah Van Sciver stayed close to home, weaving a fictional tale with plenty of basis in reality for many young people lacking both the financial clout for higher education and the job opportunities needed to carve out a small slice of the American Dream. We spoke with Van Sciver about Joe's opportunities, such as they are, and the real world struggle of the working class to stay motivated and improve their circumstances.

Origami: mathematics in creasing

Thomas Hull The Conversation
The art of origami has been going through a renaissance over the past 30 years, with new designs being created at ever-increasing levels of complexity. It’s no coincidence that this rise in origami complexity has emerged at the same time scientists, mathematicians and origami artists themselves have been discovering more and more of the mathematical rules that govern how paper folding works.

The True Cost of Teach For America's Impact on Urban Schools

Rachel M. Cohen The Amercan Prospect
Why are school districts paying millions in "finder's fees" to an organization that places people without education degrees to teach in urban schools—even where applications from veteran teachers abound?

Remembering the Conviction of Guatemala’s Gen. Rios Montt

Pamela Yates North American Congress on Latin America
In anticipation of the new genocide trial of former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt, the North American Congress on Latin America is running free episodes from the web series Dictator in the Dock directed by Pamela Yates. Yates recalls Rios Montt’s first conviction in 2013 upon which the film is based. On Monday, Guatemalan Judge Janeth Valdez was forced to recuse herself from the second trial. All proceedings are suspended until a new tribunal is formed.

Greece’s Syriza Party: The Antidote to Europe’s Austerity Disease

Paul Mason Channel 4, UK
Alexis Tsipras, leader of Greece's Syriza Party (Greek Coalition of the Radical Left) and the Parliamentary Opposition is interviewed by British reporter Paul Mason. Tsipras and his anti-austerity Syriza Party are favored to win the January 25 parliamentary elections, which would send shock waves throughout the European Union. “We want a state that stands by its citizens,” Tsipras says.

One Million Food Stamp Recipients to Lose Benefits in 2016

Ned Resnikoff AlJazeera America
According to a new report, roughly 1 million of the nation’s poorest people will be cut off the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over the course of 2016, as states move to limit food stamp benefits for unemployed adults who aren’t disabled or raising minor children. These individuals, most of whom don’t qualify for other help, will lose their food assistance benefits after three months regardless of how hard they are looking for work.