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The Fear Economy

Economist Paul Krugman New York Times
There are many steps that we can take to end that state of affairs, but the most important is to put jobs back on the agenda.

IAM Disrtict 751 Urges Rejection of Boeing Offer

IAM District 751
If you have not already heard, we want to let you know that the International is forcing a vote on Boeing’s latest proposal on January 3, 2014. Due to the massive takeaways, your District 751 leadership is united with a recommendation that you reject this proposal. You need to look at the facts of the economic destruction you would have to live under for the next 11 years, without any opportunity to change any provisions of the contract.

Antidotes to Avarice: A 2013 Top Ten

Sam Pizzigati
Nurses, philosophers, and UK trade unions have, over the past 12 months, all shared some fascinating ideas on how we can make our societies more equal — and much better — places to live.

Open Letter to Duck Dynasty Patriarch

Bob Zellner Civil Rights Memorial
Freedom Rider and long-time activist for justice, Bob Zellner, reaches out to one who sees the plight of African Americans during the pre-civil rights era differently.

Alan Turing's Pardon Is Wrong

Ally Fogg The Guardian
To single out Turing is to say all the other persecuted gay men are not so deserving of justice because they were less exceptional