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Chiara de Blasio Tells Her Story

To encourage others to also seek help, Chiara de Blasio shares her personal story battling depression and substance abuse. 

Bryan Stevenson: We Need to Talk About Injustice

Human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson shares some hard truths about America's justice system, starting with a massive imbalance along racial lines: a third of Black men have been incarcerated at some point in their lives.

Friday Nite Videos -- Dec 27, 2013

Bryan Stevenson: We Need to Talk About Injustice. Leonard Cohen: Democracy Is Coming to the USA. What Does the PISA Report Tell Us About U.S. Education? Chiara de Blasio Tells Her Story. Merry Christmas: No More Unemployment Benefits. President Barack Obama - Drop It Like It's Hot.

Cuban Economic Reforms Replace Muddy Field with Wholesale Market

Portia Siegelbaum CBS News
Large new cooperative opens in Havana. The official view is that cooperatives are a more social form of production that private businesses and therefore will receive preferential treatment with respect to taxes and other fees. The government also is making credits available to cooperatives, credits denied private business owners.