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Home Care Workers Win Wage and Overtime Protection

By Mike Hall AFL-CIO
Since they were exempted from the FLSA nearly four decades ago, home care workers seldom have been paid overtime and their net income is often less than the minimum wage, considering time spent in travel between the homes where they work in a single day and its cost. Unlike workers covered by federal labor laws, they have not been paid for all the hours they are on the clock.

Take Action to Protect Key WFP Partner, Ricardo Esquivia

Witness for Peace
Ricardo Esquivia, a renowned Colombian human rights lawyer, peace advocate, religious leader and a great friend to Witness for Peace, will be arrested by the military on false charges of being a guerrilla if we don't stop it.

Wisconsin Survey Suggests Many Teachers Dissatisfied with Profession

By Erin Richards Miwaukee Journal Sentinel
The survey, Voices from the Classroom, was taken by a sample of about 2,000 teachers across the state in May and June. The survey revealed concerns from teachers about the public not understanding how education has changed. More than one in three teachers said they don't have enough money to do what's necessary in the classroom.

Monsanto Spends Millions to Defeat Washington GMO Labeling Initiative

By Mike Ludwig Truthout | Report
The campaign for Washington ballot Initiative 552 is already looking a lot like last year's Proposition 37 campaign in California, where biotech and agribusiness interests outspent organic food producers and grassroots labeling supporters by nearly 5 to 1 in a high-profile battle over labeling genetically engineered groceries in the Golden State.

A Threat

Tony Auth Philadelphia Inquirer