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Detroit Bankruptcy Takes Aim at Pensions

The bankruptcy will enable an appointed judge to impose further cuts to city expenses and to void union contracts. A prime target for cost-cutting is the pensions owed to 21,000 city retirees and 9,000 active workers.

Judy Collins -- Both Sides Now

A good song for a time that needs reflection. Judy Collins (1969 -- Clouds album) sings Joni Mitchell's classic. (Both Sides Now was also the closing song for the season finale of Mad Men.) 

My Family, Our Cancer, and the Murderous Cruelty of Conservatives

Kurt Eichenwald Vanity Fair
Women’s-health clinics have been under assault for years. Abortions make up just 3 percent of the services Planned Parenthood performs. Planned Parenthood estimates that 130,000 women in Texas go without preventive health care, like breast-cancer screenings, due to Texas' anti-abortion cuts to women’s-health-care funding, and a lot of those women will die as a result.