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Who Should Fund Alt-Labor?

Josh Eidelson The Nation
As the AFL-CIO prepares for its upcoming national convention, the issue of non-traditional workers' organizations looms heavy on the agenda. As so-called alternative labor organizations - a.k.a. "alt-labor" - have multiplied, the question of funding organizations and activities without a traditional negotiated dues check-off system is being debated.

The Acquittal of a Murderer - Protests, Responses from Artists, from Portside Readers

"Until the killing of black men, black mothers' sons, becomes as important to the rest of the country as the killing of a white mother's son, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until this happens," Ella Baker(1964). Responses to trial of George Zimmerman; NAACP petition has over one million signers; "Justice for Trayvon" vigils in 100 cities; Stevie Wonder won't play in Stand Your Ground states; Bruce Springsteen dedicates song to Trayvon; Portside readers responses

Media Bits & Bytes - Shifting Terrain Edition

Ethnic Press Across the Country Share a Single Editorial on Immigration; the Microsoft Empire is Fading Fast; the Expansion of Mass Surveillance Limited Only by Technology; More Media Consolidation will not Cure the Problems of Media Consolidation; Cubans Finally Get Some Access to the Internet, but It's Not Cheap; Americans are Using Their Smartphones in Unexpected Places

The US-EU Trade Deal: Don't Buy the Hype

By Dean Baker The Guardian
In reality, this trade agreement is not about promoting prosperity for all, but powerful industry lobbies trying to dodge regulation

The Wages of Dignity

Eleanor Bader Brooklyn Rail
Beyond just better wages, the workers at the forefront of the FFF campaign are demanding to be treated with greater respect and dignity.

AB 10: Time is Ripe for California to Raise the Minimum Wage

by Martin J. Bennett California Progress Report
The California State Assembly recently approved AB 10, a bill authored by Assemblyman Luis Alejo (D-Salinas), to boost the minimum wage starting next year in five steps to $10.00 an hour by 2018. The state senate will soon consider the bill.

Another Shot?

Journalist/Commentator Robert Scheer truthdig