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Is Edward Snowden a Hero? A Debate.

Democracy Now! hosts a debate between Chris Hedges, a senior fellow at the Nation Institute and former Pulitzer Prize-winning foreign correspondent for the New York Times, and Geoffrey Stone, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School. Stone served as an informal advisor to President Obama in 2008, years after hiring him to teach constitutional law.

Working Full-Time at Walmart, on Food Stamps

Despite working full-time, Walmart employee and Florida resident Lisa Lopez had to apply for food stamps in order to support her family -- yet the 6 Walmart heirs are richer than 42% of Americans combined. Something is wrong with this picture.

Movie: Fruitvale Station

Fruitvale Station follows the true story of Oscar Grant, a 22-year-old Bay Area resident, from the morning of December 31, 2008. His life takes a tragic turn when BART officers shoot him in cold blood at the Fruitvale subway stop on New Year's Day. (Grand Jury Prize, Sundance Film Festival). Opens today at select theaters. For more, see official film page.

Friday Nite Videos -- July 12, 2013

Movie: Fruitvale Station. Music: 'We Are the 99'. Is Snowden a Hero? -- A debate. Working at Walmart, on food stamps. What you need to know about the secret FISA court. Yasiin Bey (Mos Def) shows what force feeding at Guantanamo is really like.

Elizabeth Warren: Support the 21st Century Glass Steagall Act

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren has joined forces with Senators John McCain, Maria Cantwell, and Angus King to introduce the 21st Century Glass Steagall Act of 2013 to reinstate and modernize core banking protections.

A Nearly Hidden Horror of the Sequester

Carl Bloice Black Commentator
The sequester means that most federal budgets must be reduced by as much as five percent. Housing is taking a huge hit. I’ve been stewing about it for days now. I want to ask the important people in Washington – starting with the one in the White House – how could they let something like this happen? How, in the richest, most powerful country on the planet, could they visit such cruelty on people?