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State Legislative Strategy for Labor

By Richard Kahlenberg & Moshe Marvit Workerist
On the state level, labor has consistently found itself on the defensive against increased intrusions on labor rights. But amending the Civil Rights Act to protect the right to organize could help set the stage for national labor law reform.

Teach For America's Civil War

James Cersonsky The American Prospect
The summit, billed as “Organizing Resistance Against Teach for America and its Role in Privatization,” is being organized by a committee of scholars, parents, activists, and current corps members. Its mission is to challenge the organization’s centrality in the corporate-backed, market-driven, testing-oriented movement in urban education.

Dispatches from the Culture Wars - Heatstroke Edition

Bert and Ernie Outed; Commie Camp Profiled; The Blind Will Get Their Books; Chipotle Rejects GMO Ingredients; Race and Class in Evidence At the Zimmerman Trial; Kansas Takes a Sharp Turn to the Right

BART Strike Illustrates Heated Debate Over Public-Sector Work Stoppages

Josh Richman San Jose Mercury News
"Union struggles reflect on all jobs," said Jane Smith, 30, a data scientist from San Francisco. "Unions won the struggle for a 40-hour workweek, and we are all benefiting from that still. Unions also fight for higher wages, which translate to higher wages for all Americans." The BART strike is a symptom of "the income and wealth inequality that is plaguing our nation," she said. "I can't believe that people are missing the point."

Book Review: Union City Blues

Richard D. Kahlenberg Washington Monthly, July-August 2013
How a poor New Jersey town and its teacher's unions turned around its schools.