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Movie: Commie Camp

After the right wing media attack her beloved summer camp, claiming it brainwashes young campers with subversive, treasonous leftist ideology, comedian and filmmaker Katie Halper investigates whether the camp she attended is a hotbed of extremism. More info.

United States of Surveillance

Snuggly the Security Bear and Obama have been busier than we all thought in the United States of Surveillance. After the revelations by whistleblower Edward Snowden, we know more about the full extent of NSA domestic spying.

Happy Summer. You’re Covered in Fungus.

Kent Sepkowitz The Daily Beast
Thanks to new technology, we know now exactly which microbes are crawling behind our ears, between our eyebrows, and especially on our feet. Kent Sepkowitz explains the gross new study.

Friday Nite Videos -- July 5, 2013

Movie: Commie Camp. Just how smart are dogs? Egyptians impatient with 'gimmics of democracy.' Egypt: Epidemic of sexual harassment. Snuggly the Security Bear calms our fear of government snooping.

Good Riddance to Brotherhood’s Fake Democrats

Mohamed Mursi, though elected president of Egypt, is no democrat. Democracy for him is a bus ride; when he gets to his stop, he's getting off. Egypt's leading left-wing politician, Hamdeen Sabahi, leader of the Popular Current movement who came third in last year's presidential election, said the army had implemented the will of the people and was not seeking power for itself.