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Profit and Investment: Does More of One Mean Less of the Other

Dean Baker CEPR
Anyone who expects a huge uptick in investment to provide a major boost to demand is either smoking something serious or simply has never looked at the data. It hasn't happen in the last 65 years and it's not about to happen now.

What Do Ants Know That We Don’t?

Deborah Gordon Wired Science
Ant colonies have been used throughout history as models of industry, obedience, and wisdom. Although the ants themselves can be indolent, inconsiderate of others, and downright stupid, we have much to learn from ant colony protocols. The ants have evolved ways of working together that we haven’t yet dreamed of.

The Recovery

Heidi Shierholz EPI
Four Years Into the Recovery and We’re Just a Fifth of the Way Out of the Hole Left by the Great Recession

This Is Bigger Than Paula Deen

David J. Leonard The Washington Spectator
The issue is the potential for a powerful individual's racist worldview to manifest itself into discriminatory workplace policies. A black worker threatened to report the restaurant to the EEOC and was told: "You don’t have any civil rights here." That is what we should be talking about, not Deen's contemptible word choice. More broadly, she symbolizes the injustices plaguing the entire restaurant industry. The evidence is mounting. Restaurants are clearly segregated.

Los Infiltradores

Michael May The American Prospect
How three young undocumented activists risked everything to expose the injustices of immigrant detention—and invented a new form of protest.