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Achtung! German Amazon Workers out on Strike

Jasper Hamlll The Register
Hundreds of workers at web bazaar Amazon’s central depot in Germany have walked out on strike in protest over working conditions and pay. Around 500 people protested on Tuesday at the box-crammers' Bad Hersfeld site, which is one of seven distribution points in the country. It is the first time Amazon workers have launched industrial action in Germany.

Senators and Unions Call for Obama to Intervene in Patriot Coal Bankruptcy

Mike Elk In These Times
The miners union has filed suit claiming that Arch Coal and Peabody Energy designed Patriot Coal to fail—then shifted over a billion dollars in pension and retiree health care debts to Patriot as a ploy to get out of those obligations. The UMWA fears if Peabody and Arch get away with spinning off their obligations to a company designed to collapse, more coal companies will take similar measures.

Will Voters Forgive Obama for Cutting Social Security?

William Greider The Nation
Self-righteous critics have portrayed Social Security as the profligate monster borrowing from the Treasury and sucking the life out of federal government. It's the other way around. The Treasury has been borrowing from the Social Security Trust Fund for 30 years, and the debt to beneficiaries now totals nearly $3 trillion. The financial barons and their media collaborators would like to get out of repaying the debt by cutting benefits over and over again. Count on it.

Let's Stop Treating the Constitution Like the Da Vinci Code

Garrett Epps The Atlantic
The Congressional Research Service points out two things that are missing in Canning: precedent and practicality. A quick glance at a dictionary written more than a quarter-century before the Framing, in another country, was enough to sweep away any counterarguments -- most particularly the argument that, whatever words the Framers may have chosen, they were designing a government that would work, not one that would fall apart whenever 40 senators felt grumpy.

Food Politics Creates Rift in Panel on Labeling

Stephanie Strom New York Times
A dietitian working on a panel charged with setting policy on genetically modified foods for the academy contends she was removed for pointing out that two of its members had ties to Monsanto, one of the biggest makers of genetically modified seeds. The incident arises at a time of growing consumer awareness and debate over genetically modified foods — with more than 30 states considering labeling laws — and rising pressure on companies to reduce their use of GMOs.