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Ending the Dues Check-Off: Forcing Union Renewal?

Sam Gindin Socialist Project • E-Bulletin No. 785
The spread of "Right-to-work" legislation is damaging to union membership and especially dues collection, and therefore has long been a strategy of the bosses. However, some left union activists have argued that automatic dues collection and membership is anti-democratic and the unions would be stronger if dues were "hand collected." But is this the best way to communicate with workers? Or are there other ways to strengthen unions and union democracy?

Egypt: A Coup In The Wings?

Conn Hallinan Conn Hallinan's Blog
When an important leader of the political opposition hints that a military coup might be preferable to the current chaos, and when a major financial organization proposes an economic program certain to spark a social explosion, something is afoot. Is Egypt being primed for a coup?

Union Health Plans Will Suffer under Obamacare

James McGee Labor Notes
What should have been a model for health care reform faces an uncertain future. Because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) tilts the playing field to disadvantage multiemployer plans, this decades-old gain of the labor movement may be irreparably damaged.

Union Health Plans Will Suffer under Obamacare

James McGee Labor Notes
What should have been a model for health care reform faces an uncertain future. Because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) tilts the playing field to disadvantage multiemployer plans, this decades-old gain of the labor movement may be irreparably damaged.

March Madness: Extreme Corporate Tax Avoidance

Paul Buchheit BuzzFlash at Truthout
This is as noted by the New York Times, "a golden age for corporate profits." Corporations have simply stopped paying their taxes. Pay Up Now just completed a compilation of corporate tax payments over the past five years, using SEC data as reported by the companies themselves. The firms chosen are top-earners who have filed 10-K reports through 2012. Their US Tax figures represent the five-year total of "current" payments.

Social Security for the Next Generation? If You're Under 40, You Should Be in the Streets

Robert Kuttner Common Dreams/Policy Shop Blog
The fact that employers have stopped providing good health insurance or good retirement benefits also has nothing to with technology or globalization or any of the other alibis. In a reasonable society, health insurance and decent retirement would be tax-supported and part of the basic package for everyone. The great hidden injustice in our society is the set of lead weights being placed on the feet of young adults. Your generation should be in the streets.


Paresh Khaleej Times (Dubai)