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Federal Employee Unions Gain Members Post-Shutdown

Eric Katz Government Executive
Federal employee unions saw an uptick in membership after the government shutdown, and the number of members has been growing consistently over the last several years.


Richard (RJ) Eskow Campaign for America's Future

Dispatches from the Culture Wars - Never-ending Battle Edition

Thailand Police Raptured Away in Solidarity; Big Food Portrays Itself As Anti-Big Food; A Plan to Save the Detroit Institute of Art Might Also Save Detroit's Pensions; JP Chase Morgan Reads Reverend Billy the Riot Act; The Phony Philanthropy of eBay's Billionaire Pierre Omidyar; Subtext of Super Heroes is Fascism.

African Asylum Seeker -Still In Israeli Jails

Elizabeth Tsurkov +972 Magazine (Israel)
Knesset passes revised law for detention of African asylum seekers - The previous law was struck down by the High Court, which ordered the state to begin releasing the asylum seekers it was indefinitely detaining. Instead, the Knesset passed a law to circumvent the ruling and indefinitely detain asylum seekers in `open prisons.'

How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie

Jessica Weisberg
The word “inequality” makes conservatives uncomfortable, as if it invokes class struggle, the 99 percent versus the 1. They much prefer “mobility,” which connotes a purely aspirational relationship to wealth and the wealthy.

Obama, de Blasio, Fast-Food Workers and the Challenge of Inequality

Gregory N. Heires
With our inequality coming close to that of Jamaica and Argentina, as Obama pointed out in his Dec. 4 speech on inequality and social mobility, we can no longer ignore the danger it poses to our democracy and living standards.