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Sunday Science: How Does Gravity Escape a Black Hole?

Sabine Hossenfelder Sabine Hossenfelder
If nothing gets out of a black hole, how does gravity do it? Something with virtual gravitons? Is this really necessary? It's tricky question, but this is what I can say without resorting to equations.

Friday Nite Videos | May 13, 2022

George Carlin on Abortion and 'The Sanctity of Life.' Hakeem Jeffries Dismantles Clarence Thomas. Waterman | Documentary w/ Jason Mamoa. A Picture of the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole. Abortion Ruling | John Oliver.

Say Hello to Sagittarius A*, the Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way

Chris Impey The Conversation
On May 12, 2022, astronomers on the Event Horizon Telescope team released an image of a black hole called Sagittarius A* that lies at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. Chris Impey, an astronomer at the University of Arizona, explains how the team got this image and why it is such a big deal.

DIY Gravitational Waves with 'BlackHoles@Home'

American Physical Society
The public will be invited to lend their own computers to help the scientific community unlock the secrets contained in gravitational waves observed when black holes smash together.

Friday Nite Videos | April 12, 2019

Indian Elections | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj. Gaza | Sundance World Premiere Trailer. Ari Melber Blasts Trump DOJ Charges vs Assange. Why This Black Hole Photo Is Such a Big Deal. Socialism of the Rich, Capitalism for the Rest.
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