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The Chained CPI: A Zombie Benefit Cut Still Walks

Michael Hiltzik Los Angeles Times
The chained CPI has risen to walk among us again in the muttering and jawboning around the government shutdown/debt limit standoff and the search for an exit. We're hearing again about a "grand bargain" on the government deficit -- never mind that the deficit is falling, not rising.

“Catfood Commission” Threat Re-emerges Amid Budget Crisis

Carl Bloice Black Commentator
While some of us have been sleeping (metaphorically speaking) Republican senators have been slipping into the White House and over repasts possibly working with Administration staffers on a new version of “Simpson-Bowles."


Proposed NC Budget Ends Teacher Tenure, Pays Tuition Vouchers

Lynn Bonner News & Observer
Legislators are set to vote on a historic $20.6 billion budget this week that would have the state take a giant step toward further privatization of education, end teacher tenure, and compensate victims of the government eugenics program.

Rousseff Salutes Brazil Protests, Cities Cut Bus Fares

By Todd Benson Reuters
"Brazil woke up stronger today," Rousseff said in a televised speech in Brasilia. "The size of yesterday's demonstrations shows the energy of our democracy, the strength of the voice of the streets and the civility of our population."

Double Whammy - A Grim Jobs Picture & a Horrible "Grand Bargain" Move

Carl Bloice, Black Commentator Editorial Board Black Commentator
First, a terrible jobs report, then a Democratic President offers a budget that proposes cuts to Social Security and Medicare. What they actually heard was Austerity 2013 - U.S. style. President Obama's offering up a cut in Social Security (make no mistake, that's what it is) contravenes promises he has previously made about not undermining the program and a recent flat out pledge by Vice-President Joe Biden that it would not happen.

Congressional Black Caucus Alternative Budget Fiscal Year 2014

Congressional Black Caucus Congressional Black Caucus
The CBC Alternative Budget for Fiscal Year 2014 puts forth a plan that reduces the deficit and alleviates harm inflicted by austerity measures in a responsible and fiscally sound manner. Furthermore, it proposes significant investments to accelerate our economic recovery and ensure that our recovery is felt in every community in America.
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