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The Far Right, a Reactionary Backlash

Marga Ferré Transform!Europe
The antithesis to the far right is the defence of feminism, the concept of class versus nation, the defence of peace, diversity, equality, social justice, solidarity, ecology, and a common world.

UARCs: The American Universities That Produce Warfighters

Sylvia J. Martin Monthly Review
Relations between universities and the U.S. military are not always mediated by the corporate industrial sector. American universities and the U.S. military are also linked directly and organizationally.

How Orangeism Paved the Way for British Capital

Mark Hackett Monthly Review
William’s rise to power brought new means of exploitation and expropriation, by which the assets and rights of the common people were eroded and a massive concentration of wealth at the top end of the scale enabled.

Marx Goes to Texas

Ryan Moore Protean
In October of 1845, having been silenced by government censors—and on the run from possible extradition—Karl Marx once thought about moving to Texas.

Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Road to Freedom

Joseph E. Stiglitz Project Syndicate
Reimaging our existing economic and legal systems and embracing forms of collective action, including regulation and investment, if we are to create an innovative society in which everyone can flourish.

Tariffs Don’t Protect Jobs. Don’t Be Fooled.

Richard D. Wolff Independent Media Institute - Economy For All
Both Trump and Biden imposed high tariffs on imported products made in China and other countries. Those impositions broke with and departed from the previous half century’s policies favoring “free trade.”


Inequality Without Class

Simon Torracinta Dissent
This book surveys how leading economists, over the last two and a half centuries, have accounted for wealth and income inequality.
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