Friday Nite Videos | June 7, 2019
Ava DuVernay - Revisiting the Central Park Jogger Case With “When They See Us”
Ava DuVernay describes the process of humanizing the falsely accused boys in the Central Park Jogger case and coming to terms with her reputation in Hollywood
Friday Nite Videos | April 19, 2019
When They See Us | Official Trailer
Based on a true story that gripped the country, When They See Us will chronicle the notorious case of five teenagers of color, labeled the Central Park Five, who were convicted of a rape they did not commit. The four part limited series will focus on the five teenagers from Harlem -- Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana and Korey Wise. Beginning in the spring of 1989, when the teenagers were first questioned about the incident, the series will span 25 years, highlighting their exoneration in 2002 and the settlement reached with the city of New York in 2014.
"The Bullpen" is a Prisoner's Surreal Comic Riff on the Justice System

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