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Child Labor Laws in 2024

Nina Mast Econmic Policy Institute
This year, state advocates were better equipped to organize in opposition to harmful bills

This Week in People’s History, Feb 20–26

Poster advertising German American Bund Rally Nazis Parade in Manhattan (in 1939), Imperialists Fight Dirty (1934), Calling a Fraud a Fraud (1989), Vaccines Save Lives (1954), Outlawing Child Labor Isn't Easy (1919), Keep Calm and Carry On (1939), Hitler Takes a Slap on the Wrist (1924)


Youth Subminimum Wages

Nina Mast Economic Policy Institute
Young workers face pay discrimination in 34 states and DC


2023: A Year-in-Review

Working In These Times Working in These Times
Illustration of workers on leaning out of train doors with raised fists. 2023 was an explosive year for worker organizing. A decades-in-the-making reform victory at the UAW paved the way for historic contract victories at the Big Three automakers. LA teachers and service workers united around shared community demands.

Does Roblox Make Money From Child Labor?

Roblox is a social platform where users, mostly kids, build games for other kids to play, getting compensated in scraps while the corporation rakes in billions of dollars. 

Tidbits – July 13, 2023 – Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return To Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums That Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; Announcements; Cartoons

Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return to Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums that Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education Archive; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more....
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