The quid pro quo deal between the president and the mayor of New York City will throw open the foreign corruption floodgates. As the Trump administration moves to drop the case and gut any remaining independence out of the DOJ, damn the consequences
J. D. Vance and other Republicans are spearheading a lawsuit that aims to get the Supreme Court to move beyond its Citizens United decision and tear up some of the last remaining rules designed to limit the influence of money in politics.
If Democrats survive the onslaught that’s coming and emerge victorious at the federal level, the first order of business next year must be to strip the cancer of dark money out of our body politic...
And now it appears that the six corrupt Republicans currently on the Court are preparing to make political bribery even easier for their well-heeled patrons…
Simply put, the elections are “tightening” because rightwing billionaires and giant corporations are pouring billions of dollars into advertising. And advertising works.
The primary problem in a deeply unequal democracy will never be the influence we allow the wealthy to bring to bear on our politics. The primary problem remains concentrated wealth itself, the huge gap between the wealthy and everyone else.
Congress should stand up for what’s right and "legally bribed politicians" isn’t that: it's time to end the bribery & get something done for the people, for a change
Shortly after her close election, Sinema quickly joined other Democrats who’d followed the Citizens United path to the flashing neon lights of big money.
Michael Bloomberg has already spent more of his own money than Trump or Tom Steyer. He’s making a joke of our democracy – and Democrats should be appalled. Some Democrats, are inviting him on the debate stage.
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