Jelly Roll Morton's hit single in 1923. Women's Rights Convention in 1848. Disability rights a winner in 1968. Prepaid comprehensive healthcare in 1945. Investigation smoke and mirrors in 2004. Prisoner abuse in 2006. Civil disobedience in 1846.
Staughton Lynd seemed like a personal force almost more than a person within the antiwar movement of the 1960s. My Country Is the World largely and usefully recounts the controversies that came with his rise in the peace movement of the middle 1960s
The state laws that are now allowed by the Supreme Court in its Dobbs decision do not meet the conditions of a “just law.” We need to be loud and confrontational and disruptive in opposing them.
"We're saying across this country, it's time for people... to march on these Senate offices," ... "We don't need compromise and capitulation. Pass the bill! Break the filibuster!" declared Rev. William Barber.
Overwhelming odds, unexpected alliances and tough losses — defeating Keystone XL built a bolder, savvier climate movement. From frontline battles to large national mobilizations, tar sands resistance developed new tactics and organizing strategies.
Trump’s earlier hopes to win based on a strong economy and conquest of the coronavirus have faded. He needs another emotional issue that responds to people’s need for security: public order.
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