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Howard Zinn: Don't Despair about the Supreme Court

Howard Zinn The Progressive
In 2005 after John Roberts was confirmed, Howard Zinn wrote: It would be naive to depend on the Supreme Court to defend the rights of poor people, women, people of color, dissenters of all kinds.

Pipeline Civil Disobiedience Wins in Court

Andrea Germanos Common Dreams
Judge Drops Charges Against 13 Who Argued Pipeline Civil Disobedience Action Was "Necessary" to Save Planet. "We are part of the movement that's standing up and saying, 'We won't let this go by on our watch.'"

Tidbits - July 6, 2017 - Reader Comments: Trump Lies; Voting Rights Danger; July 4th; Georgia Special Election; Healthcare; Socialism's Future; Wonder Woman; Massachusetts Attack on BDS; Free Non Violent Resistance Trainings; and more....

Reader Comments: Trump Lies; Voting Rights in Danger; July 4th; Georgia Special Election - Theft?; Healthcare Fightback; Readers comment on Socialism's Future; Wonder Woman; Massachusetts Legislative Attack on BDS; Free Non Violent Resistance Trainings; and more....

May Day: A Day Without Immigrants - Strike! Hundreds Of Thousands Of Workers Will Strike May 1, Organizers Say

Cosecha; Cora Lewis Cosecha
For years our community has marched, voted, and gone through the courts. We've won some battles, but we're losing the war. Striking will show the public that this country cannot function without us and help us win protection, dignity and respect. Cosecha is organizing a series of strikes that will culminate in a week without immigrants. It all starts on May 1st. STRIKING REVEALS OUR TRUE POWER - MAY 1ST IS JUST THE BEGINNING.


MLK's Advice on Strike Strategy Still Relevant Today

Rand Wilson Stansbury Forum
King’s strategic advice to the striking Memphis sanitation workers is still useful: winning requires placing the struggle in a larger context that challenges elected officials and government at every level to make America a better nation!

This Is What Insurgency Looks Like

Jeremy Brecher Labor Network for Sustainability
The call to Break Free from Fossil Fuels envisioned "tens of thousands of people around the world rising up" to take back control of their own destiny; "sitting down" to "block the business of government and industry that threaten our future"; conducting "peaceful defense of our right to clean energy." That's just what happened.

Pennsylvania Township Legalizes Civil Disobedience

Chad Nicholson and Stacy Long Popular Resistance
Grant Township Supervisor Stacy Long explained, “We’re tired of being told by corporations and our so-called environmental regulatory agencies that we can’t stop this injection well! This isn’t a game. We’re being threatened by a corporation with a history of permit violations, and that corporation wants to dump toxic frack wastewater into our Township.”
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