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Why Paul Robeson’s Voice Still Rings True Today

Tayo Aluko The Progressive
Those who desecrated the Capitol in January called themselves patriots. Millions supported them, including members of both Houses. This again reminded one of Robeson, because seventy-two years earlier, another angry mob might well have lynched him.

The Torture Machine, Racism and Violence in Chicago

Jeff Haas and Dennis Cunningham The National Lawyers Guild
Takes the reader from the 1969 murders of Black Panther Party chairman Fred Hampton and Panther Mark Clark—and the historic, thirteen-years of litigation that followed—through the dogged pursuit of commander Jon Burge, leader of CPD torture squad.

Tidbits - Jan. 23, 2020 - Reader Comments: Anti-Trump Unity Needed; Truth About Trump Economy; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; Civil Rights, Voting Rights,Emmett Till; Terence Hallinan; Austria; Top Civil Rights Songs; Iran Day of Action Saturday; more....

Reader Comments: Anti-Trump Unity Needed; Truth About Trump Economy; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; Civil Rights, Voting Rights and Emmett Till; Terence Hallinan; Latest from Austria; Puerto Rico poster; Top Civil Rights Songs; Iran Day of Action Saturday

Remembering Ella Baker on Martin Luther King Day

Barbara Ransby The New York Times
Ella Baker Baker was a strategist, organizer and mother to the movement whose political acumen, humble leadership style and razor sharp political insights were legendary.

Friday Nite Videos | January 17, 2020

Parnas Implicates Trump & Co. in Ukraine Crimes, and He Has Receipts. Sam Cooke | A Change Is Gonna Come. Why Australia's Fires Are Linked to Floods in Africa. Just Mercy | Movie. Debunking Anti-Vaxxers.

Learning From King’s Last Campaign

Jessicah Pierre Otherwords
Before he died, Martin Luther King, Jr. joined a campaign to unify working people of all races. Today, nothing could be more powerful.
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