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Tidbits – Aug.24, 2023 – Reader Comments: Donald Trump, Mob Boss; Georgia Indictment Speaks to History; Biden Climate Bill Leaves Workers Behind; German Left Debates Putin’s War; Sept 17 March To End the Era of Fossil Fuels; Cartoons; More;…

Reader Comments: Donald Trump, Mob Boss; Georgia Indictment Speaks to History; Biden Climate Bill Leaves Workers Behind; German Left Debates Putin’s War; Sept 17 Join March to End the Era of Fossil Fuels; Cartoons; Resources; Announcements; more;...

The World Is Burning. Here’s How We Stop It.

Bernie Sanders FOX News
We can still avoid the worst impacts of climate change, save money, and make energy grid more resilient. "Obviously, climate change is not real. I’ve heard, you’ve heard, "expert" after "expert" telling us for years how climate change is a "fraud."

Tidbits – July 27, 2023 – Reader Comments: Climate Disaster-Record Heat Wave; Oppenheimer, Nuclear War Danger-Still; SAG/AFTRA & WGA Strikes; Israel; Remembering Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz; Forgotten History of March for Jobs and Freedom; More…

Reader Comments: Climate Disaster-Record Heat Wave; Oppenheimer, Nuclear War Danger-Still; SAG/AFTRA & WGA Strikes; Israel; Sinead O'Connor; Remembering Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz; Forgotten History of March for Jobs and Freedom; more...

Tidbits – July 13, 2023 – Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return To Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums That Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; Announcements; Cartoons

Reader Comments: Supreme Court: Return to Separate and UnEqual; Child Labor; Remembering Pat Fry; Museums that Remember Slavery; Culture Wars Against Education Archive; Ending Climate and Nuclear Crises; lots of Announcements; Cartoons; more....

What a Bernie Sanders Presidency Would Look Like

Daniel Denvir In These Times
The possibilities of an “organizer-in-chief.” Sanders is the only presidential candidate who has put forward a genuine Green New Deal, to radically remake the economy to serve ordinary people. One of two cover stories of our dual-sided January issue
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