Agreements have been struck with African states home to crucial biodiversity hotspots, for land representing billions of dollars in potential carbon offsetting revenue.
From conservation to importing water from the Pacific, Democrats say they have all the answers to historic drought. The one thing no one wants to talk about: stopping the sprawl.
With the warming and drying climate, and with a multitude of other stresses on forest ecosystems, the best course is less is more — much less. We cannot actually fix ecosystems, we can only support their natural healing process.
Mariel Lutz and Jenny Rowland-Shea
Center for American Progress
Oil and gas companies have been cheating the leasing and drilling system for years, but the Biden administration has the tools to hold them accountable.
Tony Briscoe, photography by Rashod Taylor
In Pembroke, the well-intended efforts of mostly white nature conservationists overlook one thing: The township’s Black farming community has never fully supported them. Now, a generations-old way of life is threatened by the push for conservation.
If we want to save biodiversity, we must tackle the real causes, namely the exploitation of natural resources for profit and growing overconsumption, driven by the countries of the North.
Humanity has wiped out 60% of mammals, birds, fish and reptiles since 1970, the world’s foremost experts warn that the annihilation of wildlife is now an emergency that threatens the survival of civilisation.
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