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Sewa, the Union Empowering Informal Women Workers Through Co-Ops

Anca Voinea Co-op News
Sewa demonstrates how crucial it is that all co-op members – whether professionals or grassroots workers – share the values that the federation represents, and think not just of personal benefits but benefits for the collective and all its members.

Coop Naysayers as “Religious” Thinkers Who Keep the System Going

Jonathan Michael Feldman The Global Teach-In
Cooperatives historically have provided an option when few alternatives to exploitation were available. In contrast, today some leftists would deny women and others these options because of a promise of what social movement activity could bring.

Radical Cities in Latin America: Past and Present

Gianpaolo Baiocchi and Heather Gies NACLA
Read the Editor's Intro to our latest print issue of the NACLA Report, Radical Cities, focused on municipalism, housing movements, and local radical democracy in Latin America, from Mexico City to Montevideo.

Building a Solidarity Economy in Jackson, Mississippi

Cheree Franco The Indypendent
Cooperation Jackson is a long term vision. “We’re going to ultimately have to create our own network of supply and value chain. If we exist in a bubble, we won’t survive. It’s a big experiment in democracy."
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