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The 'Great' Reopening: Setting America’s Schools Up to Fail

Belle Chesler Tom Dispatch
I expect to watch with terror as many of our nation’s schools, woefully unprepared, open in the midst of a pandemic. Exhausted and heartbroken, I will worry nonstop about the students and teachers walking through those doors.

Tidbits - Aug. 20, 2020 - Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Kamala Harris; Dismantling of Post Office is Dismantling of Democracy; Joan Baez' Open Letter Tribute to Dr. Anthony Fauci; How to Vote Early; Don’t let Facebook determine the news you see; more...

Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Kamala Harris; Dismantling of Post Office is Dismantling of Democracy; Joan Baez' Open Letter Tribute to Dr. Anthony Fauci; How to Vote Early; Don’t let Facebook determine the news you see; Lots of Announcements; more..

Friday Nite Videos | August 14, 2020

Who is Kamala Harris? | The Daily Social Distancing Show. Tom Morello | You Belong To Me. Judas and the Black Messiah. The Risky Way to Speed Up a Coronavirus Vaccine. Like a Kidney Stone | Dylan Parody.

How Trump Politicized Schools Reopening, Regardless of Safety

Diane Ravitch The New York Review of Books
If the Trump administration is willing to spend trillions to bail out corporations, banks, and airlines, why is it not willing to put up the $400-500 billion necessary to ensure the safety of our nation’s schools, children, and educators?

The Unraveling of America

Wade Davis RollingStone
Discussion article - Never in our lives have we experienced such a global phenomenon. COVID-19 attacks our physical bodies, but also the cultural foundations of our lives. COVID didn’t lay America low; it simply revealed what had long been forsaken.

Tidbits - Aug. 13, 2020 - Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Defeat His Base, Elect Progressives; Kamala Harris and Charlotta Bass; COVID; Danger - October Surprise with Iran or China; Matt Herron - R.I.P.; Republican Voters Against Trump; Announcements;

Reader Comments: Defeat Trump, Defeat His Base, Elect Progressives; Kamala Harris and another VP candidate - Charlotta Bass; COVID; Danger - October Surprise with Iran or China; Matt Herron - R.I.P.; Republican Voters Against Trump; Announcements


Diary of a Pandemic Shop Steward

Joseph Healy Transform!
Union membership in the UK hit a historic low (23%) a few years ago. The pandemic has reminded many workers that the unions are their protective shield in a situation where employers were ordering them back to work in unsafe circumstances.
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