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Friday Nite Videos | July 31, 2020

Morgan Freeman Reads Rep. John Lewis’ Last Words. Audion | Playing For Change. New Epstein Docs Name Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz. Coronavirus Ramps Up in the U.S. and Claims Herman Cain. The Man Who Knew Infinity.

Five Key Demands for the New Coronavirus Bill

Robert Reich Robert Reich blog
COVID-19's catastrophic rates of sickness and death, as well as tragic economic consequences, require the boldest remedies this country is capable of mustering. There will be no economic recovery until the virus is contained.

Living and Working in the Time of the Pandemic in Pakistan

Maria Arshad Praxis Center
People in Pakistan desperately hope and long for a return to normality, but as the writer Arundhati Roy already noted: nothing could be worse than a return to the normality because that normality was unjust to its core.

Israel Demolishes Palestinian Coronavirus Testing Center in Hebron

Akram Al-Waara, Mustafa Abu Sneineh Middle East Eye
Israeli soldiers watched construction on desperately needed facility go ahead for two months before sending in the bulldozers, residents say. The idea of the project was to ease pressure on hospitals in Hebron treating Covid-19 patients.


Danger at the Mask Factory

Leila Miller L.A. Times
Advocates and workers say Los Angeles Apparel failed to come clean about its coronavirus outbreak, creating a climate of fear.

Friday Nite Videos | July 17, 2020

GOP Lawmakers Set to Skip Trump's Convention. Black Physicians' Plea to America. Rick Wilson's Most Uncomfortable Interview. The Fight for America's 51st State, Explained. Bye Don Jr: Love Me, Daddy! | Meidas Touch
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