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How Trump Is Helping Tycoons Exploit the Pandemic

Jane Mayer The New Yorker
The secretive titan behind one of America’s largest poultry companies, who is also one of the President’s top donors, is ruthlessly leveraging the coronavirus crisis—and his vast fortune—to strip workers of protections.


The Role of Labour Activism in Vietnam’s Coronavirus Success

Joe Buckley Equal Times
Worker action has helped push the Vietnamese government to address COVID-19. At the time of writing, there have been 334 cases and no deaths. Through strikes and workplace activity, workers have demanded protection and support.

Racism Common Factor in Deaths in '95 Chicago Heat Wave, COVID-19

Maudlyne Ihejirika Maudlyne Ihejirika
Dr. Linda Murray, former chief medical officer for Cook County Department of Public Health, was a doctor serving public housing residents when one of the deadliest heat waves in U.S. history hit Chicago. 25 years later, she sees the same root causes.

The Coming Pandemic-Induced Eviction Crisis

Meagan Day Jacobin
If federal unemployment benefits are not extended when they expire next month, millions of households will be facing both steep rent and unemployment with no assistance. And that means mass evictions.

Friday Nite Videos | June 26, 2020

How to Empty Seat | Sarah Cooper. The Chicks | March March. The Killing Floor (Digitally Restored) | Movie. "Quarantine Blues" | John Mclaughlin, Carlos Santana, Cindy Blackman Santana. Jamaal Bowman's Speech After Upset Defeat of 16-Term Incumbent.
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