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The US Badly Needs a Wake-Up Call on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Brian Resnick Vox
"Years of potential life lost" is the most sobering and sad Covid-19 statistic I've seen. There are so many reasons to not be numb to the coronavirus pandemic. As we see case counts rising, we can't stay complacent. There's so much more left to lose


Monster Capitalism

Jonah Raskin CounterPunch
Updating his 2005 The Monster at Our Door, Davis views the COVID-19 pandemic in the context of previous viral catastrophes, exposing the key roles of agribusiness, the fast food industries, corrupt governments and a capitalist system out of control

NBA Players Face the Question: To Boycott or Not to Boycott

Dave Zirin The Nation
A debate heats up among NBA players over whether to return to the court amid nationwide protests against racist violence. Many players feel the issues of racial justice and stopping police violence are pressing, now is not the time for pro basketball
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