The coronavirus didn't break America. It revealed what was already broken. Trump acquired a federal government crippled by years of right-wing ideological assault and steady defunding. He set about finishing the job, destroying the civil service.
Reader Comments: May Day Actions, Celebrations; Toll on Healthcare and All Essential Workers; Trump and Meat Plants; Back-to-Work and Death; Cuomo Power Grab; Cuban Healthcare Workers; Unequal Burden of Covid-19; Earth Day @50; lots of announcements
Coronavirus has created a unique May Day: for the first time in 130 years, workers of the world will not take to the streets. Physical distancing, however, doesn’t mean that we are far away from each other: we should stay together in solidarity.
Cuomo gifted himself “rolling budget adjustment” powers, which allows him to make cuts on a quarterly basis with little to no oversight. Meanwhile, he refuses to raise taxes on his billionaire donors which could fill the budget gap.
Eric Dirnbach looks at a range of labor movement actions and resources that have developed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic disaster. The coronavirus crisis reminds us that workers must organize to save themselves.
We must recognize that we live on the shoulders of ancestors who have survived through crisis and devastation. We must step up in ways that will enable history to judge this moment as not only a tragic event, but as a catalyst for a global awakening.
The Writers and Directors Who Saw Coronavirus Coming. The Liar Tweets Tonight | Roy Zimmerman. Unorthodox Trailer | Netflix. Anti-Lockdown Protesters Harass COVID-19 Nurses. Coronavirus Pandemic Reveals Broken System In U.S. Nursing Homes
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